Domestic Retrofit Projects (A Five Step Process)





Monitoring &

1900 & Newbuild House – 3 Bedroom Detached Case Study Dwelling
*≤ 100 kWh/m2yr with certifier approved exemption
**Not Specified – Change existing fossil fuel (or direct electric) system to a Heat Pump
The retrofit assessment and design process is the first step towards future proofing your home or property.
Everyone has slightly different goals when it comes to retrofitting properties and it is important to understand the level of retrofit that is possible and what particular technologies the project can utilise.
In some cases you might want to achieve certain accreditations to further validate the work you have done such as EPC A100+ Rating, PassivHaus EnerPHit Certification or AECB Retrofit Standards
A detailed site survey of the property is required initially to produce an Energy Retrofit Plan (ERP).
A detailed assessment and analysis of all possible fabric improvements, low carbon heating options and renewable energy technologies will be completed and a comprehensive report (ERP) will be issued.
Once an informed decision is made considering all possible options a more detailed design service is required to specify all fabric components and correctly size the various mechanical and electrical systems.

The role of a retrofit co-ordinator is to ensure retrofit projects are delivered to meet the intended outcomes outlined in the Energy Retrofit Plan (ERP).
Where retrofit projects contain a range of skilled contractors and organisations, the retrofit coordinator job is to protect the client’s interest and ensure the project is completed as planned and designed.
They also work to identify and manage risks associated with retrofit and ensure quality is maintained throughout the retrofit process from initial assessment, to design of retrofit measures and monitoring after installation of works.

PAS2035 is a framework for retrofit standards, which includes a number of BSI and non-BSI standards such as: PAS2030 and MCS standards.
The retrofit process as defined by PAS2035 includes the appointment of a retrofit coordinator who is responsible for managing the project from inception to completed, and for ensuring and claiming compliance with PAS2035.
Compliance to PAS2035 is important as it reduces the ‘performance gap’ in domestic retrofit by setting out standards in which if maintained ensure quality retrofit projects.
Mantis Energy follow these standards even when they are not required to ensure our retrofit projects follow the highest standards.

Our Team and Capability

One of our experts will attend site to conduct a detailed non intrusive survey of the existing property. This survey is the basis of the initial energy retrofit plan and is used to gather all the relevant information required in order for us to give you the best recommendation’s in your report .
During the survey we will assess the existing building envelope and fabric elements, M&E Systems including the current heating , hot water, lighting fixtures, heating emitters and ventilation system. Our expert surveyors will also ask some general data gathering questions relating to your projects personal requirements and constraints.

The retrofit assessment involves a full review of all the data collected during the survey stage to put together a plan for your journey to a healthier more efficient home.
We review the existing fabric and insulation, current heating systems and any renewable technologies amongst other elements to provide you with a personalised Energy Retrofit Plan (ERP) which can be used as a roadmap to your buildings retrofit.
Our ERP’s provide you with 4 of the best options for your home in various budget points to help you make an informed decision of what level of retrofit is within your reach.
We take into account your personal preferences, existing issues and budget constraints and will discuss the full findings and options available to you in the report allowing you to make a fully informed decision on how you wish to proceed with your retrofit project. During the meeting with our team you can explore your options and ask any questions relevant to the project, we can then put together a plan for the next steps of your retrofit journey.

Mantis Energy can work alongside you to help achieve your desired level of retrofit whether you decide to do some general improvements or go all in to achieve EnerPHit status we can assist and guide you along the way with design and recommendations.
Our team of in house Retrofit Co-Ordinator’s can assist in the design of your project to the latest PAS2035 standards meaning your building is designed to the latest British standard of retrofit.
We can assist with
- Building fabric specification
- Mechanical & Electrical design services
- Utility calculations
- Compliance calculations
- Procurement of renewable technologies
We can also conduct detailed inspections to assess the current state of the property and how we can make improvements including
- Cavity wall borescope
- Air tightness testing
- Smoke testing to identify leakage pathways
- Damp surveys

Once your retrofit goals are in place and all design and fabric elements have been decided upon you can begin your retrofit project. This is an exciting time when you will really start to see and feel the changes to your home. Mantis Energy can assist you at this stage and introduce you to our trusted installers who have partnered with us across many commercial and domestic projects who can quote and undertake works for:
- Cavity wall insulation
- External wall insulation
- Solar PV Installers
- Air Source Heat Pump
- Ground Source Heat Pump
- Plant Room Installation
- Electrical Works
- Scaffolding
- Suspended Floor Insulation
- Window & Door Improvements

Mantis Energy can set up specialist energy monitoring equipment to give you isolated areas of current and precise data readings to see if you can improve even further or pinpoint where you may be experiencing energy leaks which could be costing you in the long term. Our team can provide solutions to help reduce any areas of overuse which you can then test and try in real time.
We can install our kits before or after work begins so you can see how your home has improved.
This data can be accessed easily through an online portal and analysed over any period of time to give you a full long term overview of your homes performance.