Low Energy Building Design

Mantis Energy Building Design

Mantis Energy adopt a Fabric First approach to lowering energy demand and we promote the use of sustainable building materials where possible to lower embodied carbon.

A Low Energy building is so much more than a building that emits significantly lower CO2 emissions than the average UK home. A low energy building is comfortable, healthy and affordable to operate. Low energy building design requires careful planning from the outset and below are a list of services that result in a well designed home.

Mantis Energy can also assist your build by helping with the below solutions

  • A-Rated EPC (Energy Performance Certificate)
  • Net Zero Building Standards
  • Low Embodied Carbon Reporting
  • PassivHaus New Building Certification (PH)
  • PassivHaus Existing Building Certification (EnerPHit)
  • AECB Retrofit Standard
  • PAS2035 Retrofit Standard
  • Existing Building Energy Retrofit Plans
  • AECB Carbonlite New Building Standard
  • AECB Carbonlite Retrofit Standard