Denstone: PassivHaus+ Home

Eccles, Manchester


Mantis Energy worked directly with the client and Architect to design the most energy efficient solution for this large low energy home.

The property will benefit from highly energy efficient building fabric, high performance triple glazed windows, renewable heating and power systems and ventilation with heat recovery. The building will be certified to a PassivHaus+ level which is the highest level of low energy building certification that exists.

This ultra-low energy home will operate at very low cost and will actually have a net zero emission rating.

Design Team

Progress in Practice: Architect & Lead Designers

Mantis Energy: Mechanical and Electrical Designers


  • Mechanical & Electrical Feasibility Study
  • Solar PV Panel Simulation and Design Analysis
  • Heating & Cooling System Design & Layouts
  • Utilities (Electricity and Water) Design
  • Underfloor Heating System Layouts
  • L1A SAP Calculations
  • Mechanical Ventilation with Heat Recovery (MVHR) Design
  • L1A Water Efficiency Calculations
  • Hot and Cold-Water Services Layouts & Schematics