Passmore: 8x EnerPHit Townhouses



A fantastic project to be involved with, in the heart of London, designing 8x EnerPHit Mews Houses (The PassivHaus Refurbishment Standard). Mantis Energy has been working with the project design team to ensure these 8x houses are designed and installed to the highest PassivHaus refurbishment standards.

The properties will benefit from PassivHaus building fabric, components, high performance triple-glazed windows, renewable heating & power systems and ventilation with heat recovery.

These EnerPHit certified homes will provide high levels of comfort and high indoor air quality.

Design Team

Architect & Lead Designers- George James Associates

Mechanical & Electrical Designers- Mantis Energy


  • Building Fabric Design
  • PassivHaus Standard Thermal Bridging
  • PassivHaus Planning Package (PHPP)
  • EnerPHit Feasibility Study
  • RIBA Stage 1-6 Mechanical & Electrical Design
  • PassivHaus Standard Airtightness Strategy